Category «Family History/Genealogy»

Letter from William Duncan, Stonehaven Journal – Thursday 10 July 1873

Letters from New Kincardineshire, Victoria County, New Brunswick to Scotland NEW KINCARDINESHIRE COLONY. The following letter from a working man to a fellow workman in Stonehaven shows the philosophical spirit with which some persons endure the greatest hardships. It bears a marked contrast when compared with the grumbling epistles of colonists in much easier circumstances:— …

Plan of New Kincardineshire 1873 Beckwith Map 110917-1

“Plan of New Kincardineshire containing 25,000 acres / by Charles E. Beckwith, D.L.S. [Deputy Land Surveyor]. – 1873. – 1 sketch : pen and ink. The plan gives the names of the settlers, the number of the lot assigned to each, and the number of acres each received (100 or 200 acres). Rivers, streams, and …

“Like” the new Facebook Page about Upper Kintore

Garth Farquhar has created a new Facebook Page and is posting “A collection of stories and pictures of Upper Kintore New Brunswick. Upper Kintore was settled in 1874 by Scottish immigrants who came over on the Sidonian” Please “Like” his page: Garth has also added many points of interest on our Scotch Colony Google …

The Scotch Colony and Burns Night 1919

Published in the Presque Isle, Maine newspaper, Star Herald, Feb. 13, 1919 and is signed at the end of the article by W. L. Duncan Many years ago, to be exact, in 1873, a Scotch sea captain whose ship plied between Scotland and St. John, on occasion of a voyage when he had some time …

1873-1874 Passengers Lists

Edited 17 Apr 2014, added Sidonian list (see tabs at bottom of table) This is from a transcription of a 1873 newspaper article. The source is the New Brunswick Archives. I have sorted the list alphabetically by last name. Watch out for errors. I imagine this list has been transcribed many times. As we …

Geneology Services offered

Lorraine Stewart is a historian in Stonehaven, Scotland, who previously sent us an audio recording of her lecture on the Scotch Colony from Scotland’s perspective (clck here to go to that post). She has completed her studies and is offering her professional services to anyone looking for help with their family history. We thought it …

1872 Prospectus of New Kincardineshire Colony of New Brunswick by William Brown…

…with reports of directors regarding situation, soil, climate, &c, &c., and a statement of conditions concerning free houses, free grants of land, and assisted passages, an online book at website (26 pages). The author, Captain William Brown, worked for the Anchor Steamship Line which transported the Scotch colonists to New Brunswick in 1873. Captain …