Donate to Burns Hall

Thank you for supporting Scotch Colony’s Burns Hall. All donations go towards upkeep and improvements.

Burns Hall, Scotch Colony, Kincardine, New Brunswick

You have three ways to donate:

(1) Send your donation by cheque, payable to:
Kincardine Burns Club, LTD

Mail to:
The Kincardine Burns Club, Ltd
c/o Ellen Leone, Treasurer
3 Kintore Tower Road
Upper Kintore, NB, Canada

(2) e-Transfer to Kincardine Burns Club (at) g mail (dot) com
(no spaces)(clicking the link should open your mail app with the correct address filled in)
New for 2022, you can use your Visa Debit Card. No need for a security question as we have auto-deposit.
e-Transfer saves us PayPal fees.
Only available in Canada (pity).
Please leave a note specifying “Burns Hall” and your email.

(3) If you are a US cousin or if you would prefer to use a credit card, donate with PayPal:


Donate using your debit card, credit card, or your PayPal account, if you have one.
Click the “Donate” button above.

We’ve included three suggested dollar ($CAN) levels and a “choose-your-own level.”

Please leave a note specifying “Burns Hall.”

Thank you!

Credit Card Badges

You can use our PayPal account to send secure credit card donations. When you click the Donate button you are transferred from to the secure PayPal website. When you complete (or cancel) the transaction, you are transferred back to You may cancel your transaction at any point in the process, up to your final confirmation.

You do not need a PayPal account yourself, just a credit card that PayPal accepts: Visa, American Express, Discover, MasterCard. If you’re in Canada, it looks like you can also use a Visa Debit Card. Anyway, you’ll see all your payment options at PayPal.

We do not see or store your credit card information. However, when you are on the PayPal website, you may choose to share your contact information with us and send us a greeting.

Thanks in advance.

Burns Hall contacts and rental information

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