Crown Land Grant Reference Map Viewer

This is the actual Crown Grants Reverence Map viewer embedded here on this page. Click the “agree to the above terms…,” then click “OK.” (map is centred on Upper Kintore–drag on map to move around): 

I think the online version works better, because there is an option to see satellite imagry with the lots overlayed–here’s the web link:

The underlying Bureau of Lands and Mines lot-map (cadastral) images of the Colony are a little different than other versions I’ve seen (I’ve seen six or seven versions so far).

When you zoom in on the map, you can see the modern subdivisions. You can change the underlying map to reveal aerial photos (these are different photos than on Google Maps) instead of the old paper maps.

Click on the yellow grant reference points to see the lot number, date of the grant, and the full name of the grantee. The grant number can be cross-referenced with the “Index to New Brunswick Land Grants, 1784 – 1997 (RS686)” at PANB: Click on “Search Page” link to enter the grants database.

Here is a screen shot (of an older version of viewer) showing a zoomed-in view of just the Colony area. All of New Brunswick is included on their map:

This map viewer is superior to what I have been trying to do with our Scotch Colony Google Map, because it shows lot lines and subdivisions. However, one nice thing about Google Maps is that you can navigate to any point using your cell phone/device with the Google Maps app. (After you view the Scotch Colony Google map, you should find it listed in your “Saved”: “Maps.”)

Of course, cell reception is spotty in most of the Colony so it is best to download our Scotch Colony Google Map to your mobile device and add your own points of interest (on top of our points of interest). The mobile device’s GPS capabilities should help you navigate when you’re out of cell range.

Please respect local landowners.

Another interesting online map is the SBN Property Assessment Online

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