Category «Photos»

New CBC video on the Scotch Colony

Beautiful video of the Colony including interviews with Darlene Morton and Garth Farquhar. Here’s a link to this video: video may not play outside Canada. Here is the link to the accompanying CBC article, with beautiful photos, about the Colony and our Burns Celebration: Also, here is a companion radio story: Stories …

50th Anniversary Panorama

This is a link to a very big version of the picture (4.7 MB). It may take a very long time to down load. This was copied from an original print that Garth Farquhar has. I’m trying to think of ways to identify and index individuals. Any suggestions? This is a link to another photo …

Mystery Photo – Possibly Alexander Hutcheon?

I received a copy of this photo at the annual Hutcheon/Flannery reunion last month; it is a “cabinet card,” and this format was most popular between 1870 and 1895. Nobody knows who the handsome fellow is, but best guesses are that he is approximately 50 years of age, and is either Alexander Hutcheon, brother of James Hutcheon …

Mystery House Portrait

Where was this house located? Who are the four people posing for the portrait? The image was found among old family photographs belonging to William Cumming Langley of Mars Hill, ME (great-grandson of Thomas Cumming of Upper Kintore.)

Possible Colony home tintype [updated]

This unidentified tintype photograph was found in the old William Duncan and Elizabeth Linton home in Washburn, Maine. If it is a Scotch Colony home, possible families could be Duncan, Cocker, Wilson, or Chapman. The lay of the land appears to be very flat which suggests Bon Accord (was Stonehaven) in Colony. Margaret Rheinlander Chapman was …