Category «Upcoming Events»

Robbie Burns Night in the Scotch Colony: You’re invited!

Robbie Burns Night in the Scotch Colony! Concert is Friday, 29 January, 2016, at 7:30 at the Burns Hall, Kincardine. Dance follows with the Wednesday Evening Fiddlers. Weather date is the next night, same time. Second performance is Sunday, January 31st at 2:30, with tea afterward. Video is Kimiye Gamblin playing Burns Hall 2013

Don’t Miss Our Final Bake Sale!

We’re having our second and final “Bake Sale Fundraiser” at the Perth-Andover Farmer’s Market at the Legion Hall on Saturday July 13, from 9am – 1pm. We’d love to see you there! It’s a great way to spend a weekend morning and support the local farmers, crafters, and creative vendors who work hard to bring …

Bake Sale Fundraiser at the Perth-Andover Farm Market

“Bake Sale Fundraisers” will be held at the Perth-Andover Farm Market at the Legion Hall on two special Saturdays this summer, June 15 and July 13, from 9am – 1pm each day. We hope you will come to see us at the Market and say hello! Enjoy a cooked-to-order breakfast put on by the Legion …

Come to the “Gathering of the Scots Festival”

The Gathering of the Scots Festival will take place in Perth-Andover, New Brunswick on May 23-26, 2013. The big day is Saturday at Veteran’s Field on East Riverside Drive. Lots of bagpipes and kilts along with a full day of heavyweight games! Come early and stay for the day. Try some homemade haggis on a …

140th Celebration committee meets

Scotch Colony 140th Anniversary committee met recently for a planning session. According to committee chair, Darlene Morton, 2013 is the 140th anniversary of the founding of the Scotch Colony which is located near Perth-Andover and includes the communities of Kincardine, Bon Accord, Lower Kintore and Upper Kintore. The first of almost 600 families started arriving …

Kincardine Memorial Service, Sunday 26 Aug, 2012

Memorial Service to remember the early settlers is to be held at the Melville United Church in Kincardine on August 26 at 11:30 am Can. You will be bagpiped into the service. There will be a lunch at Burns Hall after the service.

140th History/Cookbook Book project

How you can help: The Cookbook cum History Project for the 140th anniversary of the Scotch Colony, August 23-25, 2013. The idea is to compile a different sort of cookbook that is also a history of the accomplishments and work that the people, past and present, have given to the Scotch Colony. Here’s what we …

Hello world from the 1873 Scotch Colony

Welcome to This is our first post. We’re just getting started so come back and check our progress. This is part of gearing up for our 140th Birthday Blow Out in 2013. All events are tentative. Please leave a reply with comments, complaints or complements. Posted by Bill