From the archives as it was published in The Brisbane Courier (Qld: 1864-1933), Wednesday, September 24, 1873, a transcription of the article (no illustrations or photos in the original publication) follows:
![Stonehaven––View of the Harbour from Bervie Braes](
“The St. John (N. B.) Daily Telegraph contains a full and interesting account of the voyage of the steamer Castalia, and the arrival at St. John of the New Kincardineshire emigrants. The arrival of the Castalia is described as a great event in the port, and the ship and the interesting colony from Kincardineshire who came over in her, were the great centre of public interest for some time. The Telegraph first gives an account of the gathering of the colonists at Aberdeen and Stonehaven, and of their departure from Scotland. It is interesting to learn that the Castalia is the first emigrant vessel that ever left a British port with an equal number of emigrants, but without a single solitary case of intoxication among them. No other ship, since the arrival of the May Flower, has brought to America an emigration so completely of family character; and no vessel has ever conveyed so many young children to a port in America –– for the Castalia sailed with 198 children under 12 years of age, and has arrived with 199. Its emigrants are almost exclusively in families, and hereafter emigration to the new County of New Brunswick will probably be confined to families or married person. No party of the same magnitude could have been more agreeable or so united. Several families of emigrants unconnected with the colony were on the Castalia, but necessarily 90 to 95 per cent were for New Kincardineshire. The voyage across the Atlantic passed without any incident worthy of notice, the weather being at times pretty rough. The most ample provision was made by the Anchor Line Company for the comfort of the passengers. From all the different departments in the service of the Castalia the colonists received the kindest possible attention. The surgeon of the ship assiduously ministered to every one who was sick. The chief steward, Mr. Alison, and his assistants, gave the most diligent and ceaseless attention to the wants of all on board, and men and officers were kind to all, and patient with the multitude of children, who were occasionally doubtless in the way of their work, but they seemed rather pleased with them. For Captain Brown, who was in charge of the colonial immigrants, they have all, as they ever will entertain, the most grateful feeling as the originator and spring of the movement. To Captain Butler, and his officers and crew generally, their thanks were expressed by an address presented to that gentleman.
![A ship is arriving at St. John harbor.](
The Castalia arrived at St. John on the morning of Saturday, May 10; and when the time for landing arrived, regret was expressed that the party should be separated, but when they were made to understand all the circumstances, they cheerfully divided themselves into two parties, the single men, and as many of the married as wished to do so, remaining over for the second boat. The flags of the Anchor Line and of the colony –– the latter a white ground with a red anchor surrounded with the words “New Kincardineshire Co-operative Colony” –– and the union jack were hoisted, amid the cheers of the immigrants. As soon as it was known that she was approaching the city, flags were flung to the breeze by the shipping, and there was a general movement of citizens towards the wharves, and as the noble vessel moved slowly up towards Robertson’s Wharf, Water street was thronged with people eager to reach that point. The sight from the shore –– the staunch iron steamer, presenting an appearance as neat as that of a yacht, with her decks thronged with the fellow subjects of those who watched their approach –– was one which was certainly calculated to engender a feeling of welcome to the strangers, and the latter could not, in looking shoreward, but recognize in the reception tendered them, an interest deeper, and prompted by a feeling higher, than that of mere curiosity. On their leaving the steamer, a meeting of the immigrants was held –– Mr. George Troup, a townsman, who accompanied the immigrants, in the chair –– when the Chaplain of the St. Andrew’s Society of St. John delivered an address of welcome. It was received with hearty applause, Mr. Troup returning thanks. During the day the immigrants went ashore in large numbers, many of them having drafts payable at the banks. Some drew all their money to take up river with them, and others left all, excepting what they required for immediate use. It is understood that there is amongst the colonists some £25,000, which seems a large sum under the circumstances, but as far as we can learn is correctly stated. Wherever the strangers went, on the streets or elsewhere, they were well received, and some of them remarked that they would soon be spoiled by the kindness of the people of St. John. In the evening, a large number of the citizens of St. John, including many ladies, paid a visit to the Castalia. His Worship Mayor Reed addressed the colonists, bidding them, in the name of St. John, welcome to New Brunswick. He said they must not, and no doubt did not, expect to find their new home a bed of roses. They would find our people open-hearted, and were welcome to both our pleasures and privations. They were welcome to our good homes and institutions as free as the water over which they had just come, welcome to a share in our political management, and if they were going to remain in St. John he would say something about being welcome to pay their share of taxes, but he would let that pass. After a reply from Mr. Troup, cheers were given for the Mayor, the colonists, and the captain of the Castalia. The colonists were next addressed by the Hon. Mr. Willis, who welcomed them on behalf of the Government of New Brunswick. The speeches were interspersed with music from a military band on deck. Another meeting was held in the cabin, where the health of Captain Brown was drunk amid great applause, Mr. Willis and Mr. Troup speaking of him in highest terms.
On the Sunday, religious services were held on board the Castalia.
![Rothesay carried the Colonists from St. John to Fredericton.](
The main body of the emigrants sailed up the river St. John to Fredericton on Saturday, the first part of the voyage being accomplished in a steam vessel called the Olive, in which they made the run of the Falls; and the remainder in the steamer Rothesay, to Fredericton. The trip up the river was very pleasant, the scenery being very much admired. The arrangements on board the boat were satisfactory, and the wharf at Fredericton was reached at ten minutes past 6. When near the wharf, the immigrants gave hearty cheers, citizens responding. The wharf was well filled with spectators. When the boat was made fast, Captain Brown, who had gone on before the emigrants, came on the wharf, and was received by Hon. Mr. Stevenson, Surveyor-General Mayor Gregory, and others. Lodgings not being fully prepared, supper was provided on board the boat. The steamer was quite crowded with citizens, including many ladies. At 7:50 the immigrants were taken to quarters at the Court-house, some on seated wagons, others preferring to walk. The lower room, very commodious, well lighted with lamps, and well supplied with stoves and fuel. A large dining table rand down through the whole length of the room, and large field beds were placed on either side for the men, while ample room and accommodation were provided for women upstairs in the court and jury rooms. The windows were all screened.
The colonists immediately set to work making necessary arrangements for the night, all appearing in very good spirits. In the evening, His Excellency the Governor of New Brunswick went on board and addressed the emigrants. He welcomed them to New Brunswick, and after relating the history of preceding emigrants, His Honor assured them that with energy, perseverance, determination, industry, and sobriety they would soon build up a thriving parish. He referred to the physician and druggist with the Kincardineshire colonists, and told them how the hearty settlers he had spoken of had prospered without either. Only two deaths took place, and then there were thirty-nine births without the help of a doctor. He told them that they had one hundred miles more to sail on the St. John River before they reached their intended home, and in his most happy style gave them an idea of the magnitude of the lakes and rivers of the new world. You are, said he, on the seaboard of a large nation who cherish the motto “Defence, not Defiance,” and who are ever prepared to stand by the old flag. He told them of our free schools, and the people’s right to have every child educated. Scotchmen, the colonists are of a people who knew how to appreciate education. He touched upon the acknowledged superiority of their nation as ploughmen, and told how they introduced deep furrows on the north shore. He concluded by saying that from his heart he bade them welcome, and hoped that God would prosper them in their labors in the wilderness. (Great cheering.)
The emigrants were next addressed by Dr. Jack, of the University, and Dr. Brook, who welcomed them as fellow Scotchmen.
The report in the Telegraph concludes with the following telegram from Fredericton, dated 10 o’clock on Saturday night: ––“The immigrants are quietly retiring to rest, which they so much need. They breakfast at the hotels, and will attend Divine worship at the various churches. Surveyor-General Stevenson is indefatigable in his efforts for their comfort, and is everywhere greeted with winning smiles by the ‘bonnie lasses’ of the party. He is a popular man with all. Captain Brown says everything has gone ‘all right.’ ”
See the newspaper article here.
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