Sample Cookbook submission [from Cari]

Hi folks:  I have been asked to send an example of a submission to the cookbook/history book to help give an idea.  Please find attached one I have done for my mother-in-law, Carrie Grierson.  Yours can be very different, funny or heartwarming —– just do it!  Hope this helps. Write me if you have any …

David Duncan’s 18 April, 1873, Voyage Notebook

Transcript of David Duncan 18/4/73 Stonehaven Notebook A Voyage from Glasgow, Scotland to St. John, New Brunnswick, Canada, on board the screw-steam ship Castalia. Images of the diary pages are here. The original was donated to the Salmon Brook Historical Museum (Washburn, Maine) by David’s granddaughter Sandra Everett. Sandra also took the diary photos and …

Old map of Colony lots (Cadastral)

This map belonged to Melvin Barclay when it was photographed in the 1980s(?)- Does anyone know the year the map was made or who drew it? This is a link to a slightly larger version to download.

United Church of Canada in the Colony

The Andover-Kincardine Pastoral Charge has four congregations including the Upper Kintore United Church on the Kintore Road in Upper Kintore and the Melville Church on the Manse Road in Kincardine. The Scotch Colony Brotherhood and United Church Women are organizations of the church community. Music at the Kincardine-Upper Kent Church  includes organ, piano, guitar, violin, …

1872 Prospectus of New Kincardineshire Colony of New Brunswick by William Brown…

…with reports of directors regarding situation, soil, climate, &c, &c., and a statement of conditions concerning free houses, free grants of land, and assisted passages, an online book at website (26 pages). The author, Captain William Brown, worked for the Anchor Steamship Line which transported the Scotch colonists to New Brunswick in 1873. Captain …

Hello world from the 1873 Scotch Colony

Welcome to This is our first post. We’re just getting started so come back and check our progress. This is part of gearing up for our 140th Birthday Blow Out in 2013. All events are tentative. Please leave a reply with comments, complaints or complements. Posted by Bill