Sponsors & Thank You’s

NB_Canada_Spot_ColourScotch Colony Fest140 funding provided, in part, by the Province of New Brunswick, Department of Tourism, Heritage, and Culture and Department of Healthy and Inclusive Communities.

Scotch Colony Fest140 funding provided, in part, by Heritage Canada.


Thanks to:

  • The Gathering of the Scots for financial and infrastructure support
  •  image001McCain Foods for supplying refreshments
  • The Blackfly Gazette and Victoria Star for publicity
  • Burns Club
  • Clifford Matheson, for use of the athletic field
  • Ross Clark, for use of the parking field
  • Jerry and Celia Inman for use of the school


Scotch Colony Hearts and Hearths: History/Cookbook
Scotch Colony Hearts and Hearths: History/Cookbook

Scotch Colony Hearts and Hearths: cookbook/history sponsors:ScotchColonyCookbookCov-042613-15ScotchColonyCookbookCov-042613-17