Star Herald, Sept. 15, 1932, Washburn, Maine news
Here is a report printed in the Presque Isle, Maine newspaper.

The fortieth anniversary of Rev. Gordon Pringle’s pastorate at Kincardine colony Presbyterian church, New Brunswick, was observed on Sunday, Sept. 11, at Melville church in the Colony. The Auld Kirk was well filled by Scotch folks from both sides of the line, most of them being former settlers from the Colony. The services were very impressively managed by a number of the minister members of the Presbyterians of Woodstock, N. B., assisted by Rev. Dr. Archibald of Grand Falls. Like Rev. Gordon Pringle himself, most of these men came from the land of the heather. Mr. Pringle was graduated from Edinburgh University (an honor man) in 1891. The next year he came over to Canada and found Kincardine in need of a minister at that time. Needless to say his life of service has shown how well he responded to that need. Mr. Pringle is a son of the Manse, his father before him filled one pulpit in a parish church Aberdeenshire, Scotland, forty-five years; and we hope to see the son round out his fifty years in Kincardine church. Although the woods and braes of Kincardine smile bonnie in summer, Mr. Pringle’s experiences of forty winters on these wind and snow swept hills on his way to the distant outstations of his charge and his home coming, sometimes in the wee sma oors with his well tired horse fighting snowdrifts and wintry storms all the way would make a story worth while; but like the soldier in the firing line–or that he has little to say. No doubt it irked him some to have to listen to the well deserved commendations which Dr. Archibald (another Scot) so feelingly awarded him. Although the Scot takes his religion seriously, flashes of poky Scotch humor would shine out occasionally in Dr. Archibald quaint words that was a treat and not unseemly even in church. He told us of meeting a prominent Nova Scotia minister in St. John, N. B., shortly after Mr. Pringle had been inducted at Kincardine, who saluted him with “I hear ye have go a Scotchman in Kincardine Kirk.” “Oaye,” said Archibald, “but no a common Scotchman, he’s frae Aberdeen.” Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Duncan, Sr., who were in their earlier days residents of Kincardine were welcome visitors on this occasion. Their son and his family Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Duncan, were also guests from Washburn.