Here is a short Colony story found on a visit to the Southern Victoria Historical Museum.
“It was not unusual for many young couples in early days, and even not long ago, to be married without much money in hand. They would probably live with one or the other set of parents for a while.
Such was the situation for a newly married couple of Upper Kintore, not many years after most of the settlers had arrived in the new colony. But they did not forgo a wedding trip. They started out early one morning for a walking trip as far as Lower Kintore, thence by the road known today as the Beech Glen Road, to Perth and from there home. They had stopped at the Laws, on [Lawson] hill to partake of the lunch that they had brought, and, no doubt had an occasional rest. They made it—in one day!
They were Euphemia Bissett and Archibald Winter. Coming from Scotland, probably the Aberdeen area, they were the first couple to be married in the new colony.
It is possible that after leaving Perth they went by the Old Colony Road, a cleared trail through the woods starting where the Cochrane (Hud’s) brook crossed the highway and ending near the Upper Kintore cemetery—about four miles from the Tobique River by the Kintore Road.
The William Bissetts, parents of Euphemia, had arrived with their family when most of the settlers came in 1874. During the next six years, several young men including Archibald Winter came out from Scotland, also a few others.”
Story source: The Tobiquer, Volume 9, 1988, page 30. Copy available at the Southern Victoria Historical Musuem, Perth-Andover, New Brunswick.
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New Brunswick Women’s History Map
There is a very good account of the Lawson family in Duncan McPail’s book, new Kincardineshire. There were two approaches to the Old Colony road. One went right through the Christie farm where Laura Demerchant lives now. The other approach was just north of the Cemetery. The road came out on what we call the Gulch Road where the old Perth Resevoir was. It was a good shortcut. Many parts of the original road are still in use, although it would be pretty difficult to tell which parts. The whole Quaker area is now a network of logging roads.
Correction. The old Colony road came out just south of the Cemetery. That road is still there.