Our Google Calendar

The Scotch Colony, New Brunswick, Canada, is located in the Atlantic Time Zone (Eastern Time Zone folks are an hour behind–that means if an event is listed at 11:00 AM Atlantic it is at 10:00 AM Eastern) So all you U.S. cousins: don’t be late 🙂

150th Maps

Updated 17 August 2023: more details on weekend events. I’ve tried to add our venues, historic buildings, and road-closing information directly to Google Maps. We changed the lineup location for parade and clan marchers. Marchers now line up on Kincardine Road before the junction with Manse Hill Road. Watch for traffic! Saturday visitors: please use …

Scotch Colony 150th Registration Form

Calling all clans & cousins! Submitting a form will help us with planning. Here’s the link to our secure Visitor Registration Form: Scotch Colony 150 Visitor Registration Form (new) https://forms.gle/2H4mV72kNTk5FXmR7 (1 August 2023) We’ve updated our form and separated the T-shirt order form.Order T-shirts here: Scotch Colony 150 T-shirt Order Form https://forms.gle/cLHvVRds13nbQoQb9

Scottish online conference features talk on our Scotch Colony, this Saturday at 11:15 AM Atlantic Time

The title of the talk by Lorraine Stewart is “The Scotch Colony” of New Kincardineshire(From Kincardineshire to New Kincardineshire 1873)Book now: https://us02web.zoom.us/…/611…/WN_6zDT5OTARyyE7o8dAnq8Zw This is a free and time-zone-friendly event. We show all presentations between 7 am UK time and 3 pm UK time, then we start again and show all presentations again between 3 pm …

Please consider a gift to the Kincardine-Upper Kent Churches

November 29, 2022 Dear Friends, The Kincardine-Upper Kent congregation’s two church buildings bring back memories of worship, music and family events. Weddings, baptisms and, of course, funerals, figure prominently in all of our lives. These buildings and cemetery are in constant need of maintenance and repair. As a result, the Kincardine Upper Kent Congregation is …

Scotch Colony 150 Celebration

Join us in the beautiful Scotch Colony to celebrate our 150th anniversary. Be sure to set aside the weekend of August 18th-20th for a trip to the colony, with events in Kincardine, Upper Kintore and Lower Kintore, New Brunswick.Stay tuned for a full schedule of events!

Watch Virtual Burns Night ’22

You can watch the Virtual Burns Night premiere here or on our Scotch Colony Facebook Page www.facebook.com/ScotchColony/ or our YouTube Channel https://youtu.be/HZeA4qVIJxM In honour of Scottish poet Robert Burns, the Kincardine Burns Club and the Scotch Colony present a variety show/fundraiser featuring all-new performances from across the Colony, New Brunswick, Canada, USA, and Scotland. This …

Virtual Burns Night, 28 Jan 22 at 7PM: First sneak preview

Tune in to our Scotch Colony YouTube Channel or our Scotch Colony Facebook Page on Friday 28 January 2022at 7PM Atlantic Timefor our Virtual Burns Night.Free video premiere (by donation)www.ScotchColony.caNew Performances including this one. Please visit our Donation Page.

Virtual Burns Night ’21

As of 8 February 2021, Virtual Burns Night has logged over 4500 views on Facebook and YouTube! You have donated over $2,250, so far, to our Burns Hall upkeep. Thank you. If you haven’t had a chance, you can still donate through our PayPal account at:https://scotchcolony.ca/make-a-donation-to-scotch-colony/ Or by sending a cheque, payable to: Kincardine Burns …

Melville Church Cemetery Workday, 2020

The trustees of Melville Church Cemetery sincerely thank the twelve folk who arrived at 8:30 am on Saturday, July 25th, 2020 to work on the maintenance of this beautiful graveyard.  Volunteers from Kincardine and Lower Kintore cooperated to right tipped gravestones, fill in sunken graves, pull ancient stumps, trim bushes and fill and re-seed spots …

Scotch Colony in the time of COVID-19

A few items of note for our Scotch Colony cousins and friends: there will be no anniversary/memorial services this year (2020) however, visitors are welcome to come to the cemeteries at any time if you want to go into the Kincardine, Melville Church, contact Darlene Morton (273-3108), and we will arrange to open the church …