Another entry (I think on the previous page) mentioned a teacher leaving – Ledingham – I see there were Ledingham’s on the Castalia so he may have been one of them, although it didn’t say that he was going to New Brunswick.

I think the reference would be:

Kintore School Log Book 1867-1899      Ref: ED/GR6S/G40/1/1   April 1873  (??14th April – but I couldn’t be sure – didn’t have any paper at the time to write it down)

 If you wanted a copy of the page/pages I’m sure if you contacted the archives they would be able to copy that for you. Unfortunately I didn’t have my camera with me. You would need to ask for permission if you wanted to put it on the website.

 Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Archives
Old Aberdeen House
Dunbar Street
Aberdeen, AB24 3UJ
Telephone: +44 (0)1224 481775

Hope this is of some interest,
