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Scotch Colony Page
www.ScotchColony.ca Kintore, Upper Kintore, Kincardine, Bon Accord
This should be the link to the Burns Night Concert from Friday 14 January 2025.
Burns Concert Friday 24 Jan 2025 01292501
Help us preserve Scotch Colony history and promote local Scottish culture. Please donate to preserve Burns Hall and promote local Scottish culture.e-Transfer...This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.This post is usually pinned to the top—newer posts appear below.
We tend to reach more folks on Facebook but we are committed to our ScotchColony.ca web site as well. In addition to our Facebook Page, here’s a link to our Facebook Group. Please join the group and share your photos and stories: