[The year 2018 marks the 140th anniversary of the Melville Church as well as the 145th anniversary of the Scotch Colony. This newspaper article presented an account detailing the dedication of the Melville Church held on January 1, 1878 at Kincardine, New Brunswick.]
Aberdeen Press and Journal
January 29, 1878, Tuesday; page 2
The New Kincardineshire Church.
The settlers in New Kincardineshire, New Brunswick opened their new church on New Year’s Day, as was sometime ago proposed. The day was fine, and a vast crowd of neighbours from considerable distances on both banks of the river St. John attended the service which was conducted by the Rev. D. M. Maclise, D. D. of St. John, who was assisted by the Rev. C. N. Sinnet of Fort Fairfield, State of Maine, and we may add that the latter gentleman was accompanied by a considerable number of visitors from that State. The service commenced at 11 a. m., and by that hour part of all the families in the new settlement, and the families long settled on the north bank of the great river, were present, and many friends who had driven on sleighs from distant localities. Dr. Maclise opened the proceedings by praise, selecting the Old Hundredth Psalm. He then read II Chronicles, 6th chapter, then Rev. Mr. Melville, minister of the colony, engaged in prayer; and Dr. Maclise Continue reading