We’ll be updating this list as we get changes.
- Dr. David and Mariann Bell
- In memoriam of Cecil and Hazel Watson
- George Cumming II
- Al and Pam MacPhail, Kilburn
- The Castle Inn, with warm regards from the team
- Christopher Young for the Young-Taylor family
- Colin and Haley Murray
- The Village of Southern Victoria
- Doug Pearson Auto
- Mairi Kathleen Morton LaFrance
- Catherine LaForest
- Ryan, Jessica, and the team at Lewis Pharmacy
- Kristin Headley
- McAsphalt Industries, Ltd
- Carquest Auto Parts
- Quad B Adventures
- Bruce Alexander
- Lieutenant Governor Brenda Murphy (for King Charles III)
- Garth Farquhar, Scotch Colony Historian
- Member of Parliament Richard Bragdon
- Jane Staples on behalf of Margaret Johnson
- Allan Tremblay
- Andrew Harvey
- Sheldon Shaw
- Còrsa, with our Kate LaFrance and Anna Schiedler, and Calvin Gallant and Justin Gallant
- Shanachie Dance Company
- Sabrina Perry-Drover
- The Southern Victoria Pipe Band
- Craig & Avery
- Wednesday Evening Fiddlers
- Blackfly Gazette
- Businesses and locations that displayed posters
- Merritt Press, Grand Falls, for last minute printing
- Garth Farquhar
- Kim Lennon
- Ellen Leone
- Shelly Morgan
- Carm Merch
- Rick Murch
- Scott Rideout
- Gathering of the Scots for the loan of their clan banners
- Rod MacIntosh, who donated his large marquee tent
- Colin and Haley Murray, hosting our Saturday events on their field
- Judy MacIntosh, Weaving
- Helen Dixion
- Tobique River Trading Co, Scotch Colony special blend Coffee
- Antonena Soaps
Farmers Market Mighty Sales Force
- Carolyn Smith
- Jackie Farquhar
- June Hillman
- Sarah Farquhar-McAteer
T-Shirt Cricuteers
- Kate LaFrance, vinyl wizard
- Sarah Farquhar-McAteer, weed-master general
- Jackie Farquhar, design space engineer
- June Hillman, press queen
- Bill Duncan, long-distance taskmaster
- Lachlan MacIntosh, tent detail
- Archie Demeria, tent detail
- Walter Allison for use of his trailer/stage
- What a great tent crew! Thanks to Ralph, Dave, Rod, Archie, Gordon, Steve, Macky, Garth, Travis, Scott, Doug, Bill, Jaxon, Walter and Lachlan!!!!!!
- Moving crew from the Kincardine School to the Melville Church:
- Howard Paddock (and his trailer)
- Blair Morton
- Alex Hargrove (and Jade, Evander, and the new baby!)
- Steve and August, Joel, Gabriel, and Seamus!!!
Organizing Committee
- Darlene Morton
- Sarah Farquhar-McAteer
- Kate Gallagher
- Garth Farquhar
- Jackie Farquhar
- June Hillman
- Bill Duncan
- Jean Duncan
- Cynthia Paddock
- Carm Murch
- Anna Scheidler
- Mairi Kathleen Morton LaFrance
- Carolyn Smith