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Robbie Burns Night in the Colony is a compilation of several Burns Night concerts. Burns Night takes place each January in the Burns Hall in Kincardine, in the Scotch Colony, Victoria County, New Brunswick, Canada. The talent and love of music, brought by the Scottish settlers of 1873 and 1874, has been passed on through several generations to today. Many of the performers are descendants of these first settlers of The Colony. Once again, it is to the memory of those who have gone before that we dedicate this musical collection.
Click to listen to a free sample: Afton Water (Robert Burns/Alex Hume) Senior choir, Anna Scheidler–flute, Isabel Morton–piano.

25 Selections
1. Loch Rannoch (Pipe Major J. Wilson) Southern Victoria Pipe Band
2. There Was a Lad (Robert Burns) Senior Choir, Isabel Morton–piano
3. Afton Water (Robert Burns/Alex Hume) Senior choir, Anna Scheidler–flute, Isabel Morton–piano
4. My Love She’s But A Lassie Yet (Hogg) Kinley LaFrance–guitar, Robert LaFrance–guitar acc., Isabel Morton–piano
5. Kelvin Grove (Trad.) Junior Choir, Tim Scheidler–fiddle, Isabel Morton–piano, Kinley LaFrance–guitar
6. Ye Banks and Braes (Robert Burns/J. Miller) Kate LaFrance – vocal, Isabel Morton–piano
7. Laddie with the Plaidie (Trad.) Tim Scheidler–fiddle, Kate Scheidler–bodhran, Isabel Morton–piano
8. Annie Laurie (William Douglas/Alicia Scott) Bob Curran & Isabel Morton–vocals, Isabel Morton–piano.
9. Road to the Isles (Trad.) Men’s Chorus, Isabel Morton–piano
10. Caledonia (Dougie MacLean) Victoria Bell–vocal, Marianne Bell–piano
11. Archie Beaton’s Lament (John Mason), Flowers of Edinburgh (Trad.), Miss MacLeod’s Reel (Trad.), Mason’s Apron ( Trad.), Wednesday Evening Fiddlers, Garold Hanscom–director, Lawrence LaFrance–piano
12. Scotland the Brave (Trad.) Wesley McLean–vocal & guitar
13. Campbells’ Farewell (Trad.) Tim Scheidler–fiddle, Kate Scheidler–bodhran, Isabel Morton–piano
14. Rowan Tree (Trad.), I Loe’d Na a Laddie But Ain ( Trad.) Isabel Morton–vocal & tin whistle, Roy Grierson–piano
15. The Cottage Where Burns Was Born (Trad.) Family and Friends
16. The Burning of the Piper’s Hut (Trad.), The Warlocks (Trad.) Kinley LaFrance–guitar, Tim Scheidler–fiddle, Isabel Morton–piano
17. My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose (Robert Burns) Kate LaFrance–vocal, Isabel Morton–piano
18. Bees Wing (James Hill), Moxham Castle (Dan MacDonald), Heather on the Hill (Dan MacDonald), Cape Breton’s Welcome To The Shetlands (William Hunter Jr.), Kimiye Gamblin–fiddle, Isabel Morton–piano
19. My Ain Folk (Wilfred Mills) Kate Scheidler–vocal, Isabel Morton–piano
20. Bonnie Dundee (Sir Walter Scott/Charlotte Savinton-Dolby) Senior Choir, Isabel Morton–piano
21. The Bonnie Banks O’ Loch Lomond (Trad.) Senior Choir
22. Big John McNeil (Trad.) Anna Scheidler – stepdance, Garold Hanscom–fiddle
23. The Parting Glass (Trad, Arr. David Downes & Shaun Davy) Isabel Morton–piano, Tim Scheidler–fiddle, Kinley LaFrance & Kate Scheidler–guitar, Isabel Morton & Kate Scheidler–vocals
24. We’re No Awa’ Tae Bide Awa (Trad.) Senior Choir, Isabel Morton–piano
25. Auld Lang Syne (Robert Burns) Kate Scheidler, Isabel Morton, Bob Curran, Darlene Morton, Kate LaFrance, Senior Choir – vocals, Isabel Morton–piano, Kinley LaFrance & Kate Scheidler–guitar
- Southern Victoria Pipe Band directed by Pipe Major Darlene Morton & Drum Sergeant Devin Andersen
- Junior Choir: Kathryn Chase, Kathleen Farquhar, Sarah Farquhar, Anna Scheidler, Connor Tweedie-Morton
- Senior Choir: Marianne Bell, Helene & Gary Burns, Kathryn Chase, Bob Curran, Jackie, Sarah & Kathleen Farquhar, Cari & Roy Grierson, Lucette Hirschi, Robert, Kate & Kinley LaFrance, Paul & Norma Matheson, Carmella Murch, Winston, Isabel, Karen, Darlene, Curtis & Blair Morton, Ralph, Kate, Tim & Anna Scheidler, John Wade
- Men’s Chorus: Bob Curran, Roy Grierson, Robert & Kinley LaFrance, Paul Matheson, Curtis & Blair Morton, Ralph & Tim Scheidler, John Wade
- Family & Friends: Amber Ashworth, Roy & Cari Grierson, Robert & Kate LaFrance, Isabel, Karen, Dale, Bonnie, Darlene, Curtis & Blair Morton, Carmella Murch
- Wednesday Evening Fiddlers directed by Garold Hanscom, accompanied on piano by Lawrence LaFrance
Production: Scotch Colony Anniversary Committee
Photography and jacket design: Bill Duncan
Recording/mastering: John Morris, Brakelight Studios, Florenceville-Bristol, NB
CD manufacturing: Morris Music Ltd., Sussex, NB
Project co-ordinator & programme director: Darlene Morton
Music Director: Isabel Morton
Many thanks to Garold Hanscom for providing and managing the sound system each Burns Night and to all performers and volunteers who make Burns Night in the Colony such a special event.
Jean has added all CD information to Gracenote so when you import songs into iTunes you’ll see all the titles.