Category «Annual Events»
You are invited to our Scotch Colony Memorial Service 15 Sept 2024
Our annual memorial/anniversary service at Melville United Church in Kincardine will be Sun, Sept 15th at 11:00, with lunch afterward in the Burns Hall. All welcome! Join us as we celebrate our church and community, and remember those who came before. Please pass the word to all who have connections to The Scotch Colony or …
Our Google Calendar
The Scotch Colony, New Brunswick, Canada, is located in the Atlantic Time Zone (Eastern Time Zone folks are an hour behind–that means if an event is listed at 11:00 AM Atlantic it is at 10:00 AM Eastern) So all you U.S. cousins: don’t be late 🙂
Come to Burns Night 27 & 29 January 2023 at Burns Hall
Because of the forecast for freezing rain, the Robbie Burns concert scheduled for Sun. afternoon, Jan. 26th in Kincardine is cancelled. We don’t want anyone to land in a ditch! Please pass the word to anyone who was planning to attend. Thanks! (From Darlene)
Music CD! “Robbie Burns Night in the Colony” recorded live at Burns Hall, Kincardine
Available now, online! $20.00 + Shipping and Handling (CAD: Canadian Dollars). Choose country for shipping from drop-down menu CD, mailed within Canada $27.50 CADCD, mailed to USA, Media Mail $25.00 CADCD, mailed to USA, First Class $30.00 CADCD, mailed to Great Britain $40.00 CAD Here is our guide for Shopping with PayPal. Also available from …
106th Annual Christmas Concert in the Scotch Colony
Held in Burns Hall, Kincardine, New Brunswick Canada.
Video of the Kincardine Memorial Service, 23 July, 2017
The Upper Kintore Memorial Service will be 2pm, Sunday, 27 August, 2017 at the Upper Kintore United Church.
Annual Harvest Supper October 19th
The Annual Harvest Supper at the Burns Hall in Kincardine is October 19th, 2013, 4 – 6 PM. The menu is Beans & Casseroles, with cake for dessert. Cost is by Donation. There will be a table of handmade items for sale too.
Volunteers at the Gathering
Yes, it was a rainy, cold day at the Gathering of the Scots this year. Many said it was weather just like in Scotland. Many thanks to all the organizers and volunteers as well as the attendees who came to the festival. One of the booths was our very own, shown here.
Pipe Bands at the Gathering
Southern Victoria Pipe Band and Friends at the Clan March during the Opening Ceremonies at the Gathering of the Scots in Perth-Andover, New Brunswick, Canada on May 25, 2013
Come to the “Gathering of the Scots Festival”
The Gathering of the Scots Festival will take place in Perth-Andover, New Brunswick on May 23-26, 2013. The big day is Saturday at Veteran’s Field on East Riverside Drive. Lots of bagpipes and kilts along with a full day of heavyweight games! Come early and stay for the day. Try some homemade haggis on a …
Burns night pipers and dancers
Burns Night Music
These are big files and may take a long time to load before you can hear them: Scotch Colony Players Skit: Starring: Mavis Smith, Carolyn Smith, Carmela Murch, Karen Morton Peacock, Cari Grierson The Parting Glass: Kate, Ralph, Tim, & Anna Scheidler; Kinley LaFrance; Darlene Morton LaFrance; Isable Morton These clips …
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